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Restylane® and Sculptra® Dermal Fillers at Bayside Regenerative Medicine

Enhance Your Beauty with Restylane® and Sculptra®

Bayside Regenerative Medicine, offers premier dermal filler treatments using Restylane® and Sculptra® to help you achieve a youthful, radiant appearance by reducing facial wrinkles and restoring volume. Dr. Kalmbacher and her team are dedicated to providing personalized care and exceptional results.

"Before and after comparison of a woman undergoing Scuptra treatment, showing visible improvements.



Why Choose Restylane®?

Restylane® is renowned for its ability to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, offering immediate and natural-looking results. This versatile dermal filler is perfect for:

  • Nasolabial folds: If you notice deep lines running from the sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth, Restylane® can help smooth them.

  • Marionette lines: Combat the lines that run from the corners of your mouth to your chin for a more youthful look.

  • Lip enhancement: Achieve fuller, more defined lips that enhance your natural beauty.

Lena, a 45-year-old professional, noticed deep lines around her mouth that made her look older than she felt. After a Restylane® treatment, her nasolabial folds were smoothed out, giving her a refreshed and youthful appearance.

Collage of Lena before/after Restylane, showing subtle skin and facial improvements, expressing satisfaction.

Why Choose Sculptra®?

Sculptra® works by stimulating collagen production, providing a gradual and long-lasting youthful appearance. It is ideal for:

  • Deep facial wrinkles: Ideal for reducing significant wrinkles and folds.

  • Hollow areas in cheeks: Restore volume to sunken areas for a healthier look.

  • Overall facial volume restoration: Perfect for a more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Sarah, a busy mother of three, felt her face had lost its youthful volume over the years. Sculptra® treatments gradually restored the fullness to her cheeks, giving her a natural and revitalized look.

Sarah, before and after Sculptra treatment. Her over all volume has been restored leaving her looking natural and refreshed.

Patient Testimonials:


"Dr. Kalmbacher is amazing! I had deep lines around my mouth that made me feel self-conscious. After my Restylane® treatment, I look and feel years younger. The results are so natural and exactly what I wanted." – Lena, 45


"Sculptra® has been a game-changer for me. The gradual results were perfect for my busy lifestyle, and I love the natural fullness in my face." – Sarah, 40

Book Your Consultation Today

Discover how Restylane® and Sculptra® can enhance your natural beauty. Contact Bayside Regenerative Medicine today to schedule your personalized consultation and learn more about our comprehensive anti-aging treatments.

Restylane Logo
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